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Received the “Sustainable Space Award”! Behind-the-scenes story behind the development of flexible fixtures used in World's variable store "246st.MARKET"

Won the World Sustainable Space Award! Flexible fixture development secret story

World Group World Space Solutions Co., Ltd. won the “Sustainable Space Award” at the Japan Space Design Award 2021 for the pop-up store “246st.MARKET” that World has been working on since 2019. This award is a new award from this year, and is targeted for works that "contribute to the realization of a better and sustainable future for people."

This time, I would like to talk to Mr. Yu Momoeda, the architect who worked on the variable fixtures that won the award, and Mr. Hiroyuki Niu, who is in charge of the project at World Space Solutions Co., Ltd. I asked. The source of the idea for the fixtures was the "that" used in bento.

Won the World Sustainable Space Award! Flexible fixture development secret story

■ We asked the architect, Mr. Momoe, to create fixtures that create new value (Niu)
――First of all, please tell us how you came to create this fixture.

Niu: In the past, we used to ask interior designers to make fixtures. However, in the case of interior designers, there were many superficial ideas such as changing the color or changing the material of existing things. I thought that if we were to create fixtures that create new value, we would have to change the structure itself. If so, I decided to ask an architect who thinks from the structure. So, we asked our staff to make a list of about 10 architects we were interested in, and we looked at the work of each of them. Among them, Momoe-san was the one who created many interesting works. It was decided to hold "246st.MARKET (*1)" at the same time. So, I went to the office in Fukuoka to discuss with Momoe about the fixtures to be used for this event.

Won the World Sustainable Space Award! Flexible fixture development secret story

――Have you ever designed fixtures before, Mr. Momoe?

Momoe: I've made the fixtures themselves before, but this was the first time I made a space with just the fixtures. When Mr. Niu consulted us about fixtures, there were several themes. One of them is “I want to incorporate sustainable elements”. At that time, we were talking about Hojo-an, the residence of Kamo no Chomei, a Japanese poet who was active from the end of the Heian period to the Kamakura period. Hojo-an is, as the name suggests, a hut of hojo (about 3 meters square), but it is characterized by being assembled so that it can be moved anywhere. I received an idea to make a modern version of this Hojo-an as fixtures.

――Why did you use Hojoan as an example?

Niu: We envisioned that 246st.MARKET would be a pop-up event that could be held in various locations, so ideally it would be assembled like Hojoan. Sustainability was also a key point, so while coming up with various ideas, I wanted Momoe-san to create sustainable fixtures in her own way. It took a very short time from when I made the request until the presentation, but I was very moved when I heard the explanation of the fixtures in the presentation.

Momoe: The material I prepared was the balun that separates the side dishes of the bento.

Won the World Sustainable Space Award! Flexible fixture development secret story

Niu: When I saw the materials, I had an image of a bento with side dishes separated by baluns. I didn't really understand it at first, but the word "equivalent" was used when explaining the balun as an example. Makunouchi bento contains a variety of side dishes, but nothing stands out. I think the same can be said for EC. I think there are many people who shop on e-commerce, but there are items that cost 100 yen and items that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. And you can buy it with just one click. When I saw the image of the bento that Momoe-san showed me, I thought, "This is what it would be like if EC were made real."

――Even if the prices and genres are different, if you use this fixture, it will be “equivalent”.

Momoe: Yes. We were also particular about being able to handle products of different sizes and genres. By changing the angle of the boards that are combined, the shape of the furniture also changes, so it can fit all sorts of products, from small items like accessories to large items like clothes.

■Long-term use with attachment is also an important element of sustainability (Niu) Niu: This fixture is variable, so it can be folded compactly. Even if you have an event of about 400 square meters, you can carry all the fixtures with a single 4-ton truck, so transportation is easy anyway.

Won the World Sustainable Space Award! Flexible fixture development secret story

Momoe: It really is an updated version of Hojoan (laughs).

――It is a variable type and is excellent in portability. It's a sustainable fixture.

Niu: Of course, I think it's sustainable in that sense, but there's another important point. It means that it can be used for a long time. Long-lasting use means no waste. And don't waste resources. In fact, "246st.MARKET" has been held four times so far, but we continue to use the same fixtures. Continuing to use things that you love for a long time is also an important element of sustainability. Of course, I will continue to use this fixture carefully while maintaining it.

About “246st.MARKET” The POP-UP store “246st.MARKET”, which World has been working on since 2019, is World Kita-Aoyama located on Aoyama-dori (246), which has built an era as a fashion origin. Based in a building, this is a project that connects various designers and creators (creators) with consumers to create the future.

We have a lineup of brands curated by the world from sustainable perspectives to fashion, cosmetics, miscellaneous goods, and art, and while arranging products on variable fixtures, designers and creators sell while conveying their thoughts to visitors. By doing so, new encounters will be born in the venue.

Won the World Sustainable Space Award! Flexible fixture development secret story

* “246st.MARKET” official website https://www.246stmarket.com/

Pop-up fixture design

Architect Yu Momoeda


Won the World Sustainable Space Award! Flexible fixture development secret story

Profile of Masaru Momoeda


Head of Yu Momoeda Architectural Design Office.

Part-time lecturer at Kyushu University.

Born in Nagasaki in 1983. 2006 Graduated from Kyushu University Faculty of Design.

In 2009, completed Y-GSA at Yokohama National University Graduate School / Architectural City School.

After working at Kengo Kuma and Associates, established Yu Momoeda Architects in 2014.

Major works include "Agri Chapel", "Four Funeral Houses" and "Farewell Platform".

Major awards he has received include AR Emerging Architecture Awards Semi-Grand Prize, Leaf Awards Semi-Grand Prize, Architectural Institute of Japan Newcomer Award, Yoshinobu Ashihara Award,

There is the DFA Design For Asia Awards grand prize.

World Space Solutions Co., Ltd.

Project Manager Hiroyuki Niu

Won the World Sustainable Space Award! Flexible fixture development secret story

Profile of Hiroyuki Niu


Joined World Co., Ltd. in 1987. Assigned to the decoration department at the Kobe head office.

After designing stores such as exclusive shops for specialty stores, the service department,

Worked on space design at World Visual T.C.C. Co., Ltd.

In 1996, he designed and planned the first apparel business in a station location, Shibuya Tokyu Toyoko "Index", and in 1998, "Opaque", a pioneering large-scale editorial store.

Since 2000, he has been involved in the development of new businesses. Currently, in addition to directing creative human resources, he is also involved in producing external sales businesses that make use of the know-how of the World Group.


■ Related press release: POPUP store “246st.MARKET” with the theme of the world's environment won the Japan Space Design Award 2021 and the newly established “Sustainable Space Award”



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