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Always curious and wanting to challenge various things while having fun|World Platform Service

Hiroki Nakahara, World Platform Service Planning Team

Always curious and wanting to challenge various things while having fun|World Platform Service

From "WORLD PEOPLE", which introduces the unique members of the World Group, we present an interview with Hiroki Nakahara of the World Platform Service Planning Team. (From an article on July 15, 2021)

*World Space Solutions Co., Ltd. changed its name to World Platform Service Co., Ltd. on April 1, 2022. The article is published under the company name at the time of the interview.

We design both in-house and externally.

What kind of work did you do before joining _World?

I used to work for an interior design company. Ever since I was little, I have loved architecture and interior design, and if there was a house under construction in my neighborhood, I would always watch the construction work. My hometown is Hiroshima, but after graduating from a vocational school in Tokyo, I joined a design office. After working at several design offices, I joined World in 2007.

_ What kind of work did you do after joining the company?

The first is project management. Simply put, it is a process from design to construction. After that, when World became a holding company, a company called World Space Solutions* was established, and I was assigned to the design section (now the planning section) and was in charge of design.

I heard that _World Space Solutions* is involved not only in-house but also in external store designs.

yes. Recently, I have been involved in a variety of projects, both inside and outside the company, such as a hotel called Via Inn, which is operated by the JR West Group, and a steakhouse called Mita-ya Honten in Hyogo.

Always curious and wanting to challenge various things while having fun|World Platform Service

I was relieved to see many staff being used

_As for the project that was handled in-house, Mr. Nakahara was also in charge of the PARK that was built on the 14th floor of the Kita-Aoyama Building that we are talking about today.
How did this space called PARK come about?

Due to the influence of corona, telework has increased, and the opportunities to go outside have decreased. For that reason, this PARK was born based on the concept of wanting people to feel the outside air even a little when they come to work.

Always curious and wanting to challenge various things while having fun|World Platform Service
Always curious and wanting to challenge various things while having fun|World Platform Service


_Were there any difficulties in designing it?

Is it a terrace? In addition to replacing the existing deck, we also made a new grass hill, so the cost was higher than expected. By the way, the reason why the grass area is a hill instead of a flat one is because I want people to lie down on the grass (laughs).

In addition, the library corner set up indoors collects foreign books and other items that were kept by each operating company. The reason for the installation is that it would be a waste to just keep it, so that employees can see it.

_Looking at the completed PARK, is there anything you would like to improve?

There are also social distancing issues, and the chairs are thinned out and acrylic boards are placed, so the current situation is not what it should be. So, I hope it will become the space we imagined as soon as possible. However, when I see many people using it like today, I am glad that I made it.

Creating a more comfortable and easy-to-work environment...

_Finally, please tell us if you have any dreams for the future.

In addition to this PARK, I was previously in charge of designing the 12th floor of the Kita-Aoyama Building, and plans to renew the 5th and 7th floors in the future. I don't know if it will be possible, but I hope someday the other floors will be renewed.

Also, the office of Narumiya International, a group company, is scheduled to move to a vast space of 900 tsubo per floor, and I am also in charge of that, so I will do my best to provide a comfortable environment for the staff. I want to

As work styles change, I would like to create an environment that makes it easier for World Group employees to work.
The work of creating 1 from 0 is often difficult, but I hope that I can challenge anything while enjoying it with curiosity.

Always curious and wanting to challenge various things while having fun|World Platform Service

Hiroki Nakahara/Born in 1966, from Hiroshima Prefecture. Joined World in 2007 after working at several interior design companies. Currently in charge of internal and external space design in the planning team of World Platform Service Co., Ltd. 32 years of interior design. My favorite product designer is Hans J. Wegner.


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