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A workshop full of smiles using world resources ~ NEXTDOOR's efforts ~ | World Store Partners / World Production Partners

NEXTDOOR initiative, a workshop full of smiles using world resources

We will introduce the efforts of World Store Partners and World Production Partners from "WORLD for FUTURE", a world activity that connects to the future.
(From an article on the World Group corporate site on September 9, 2022)


"Next Door" has been in operation since 1998 as an outlet directly managed by the World Group. For a long time, it has been loved by customers with the concept of “new price shop that re-edits and sells popular brands from around the world”.

Currently, we are playing an even more important role within the World Group from the perspective of the SDGs.

This time, we will introduce the efforts of the sustainable workshop held at the Kitemite Matsudo Next Door (Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture) storefront.


A space where customers gather and create together

NEXTDOOR, a workshop full of smiles using world resources
Held in a work space that can be seen by customers who come and go in the hall


This initiative started in October 2020 with a workshop to make eco-bags using used paper left over from the company.

After that, in November, we held several mask-making workshops using the remaining fabrics at the World Group's directly managed factory.

After that, although it was held for a while due to the corona sickness, the workshop to make beeswax wraps was resumed in November 2021, and in January 2022, after a workshop to make perfume and hair oil with your favorite scent, In May 2022, we made carnations from discarded clothing for Mother's Day.

NEXTDOOR, a workshop full of smiles using world resources
Making beeswax wraps using leftover French blue cloth from a related factory
NEXTDOOR initiative, a workshop full of smiles using world resources
NEXTDOOR initiative, a workshop full of smiles using world resources
Carnations made from old clothes from the remake project

As an activity to spread to other stores

This initiative has spread to “Next Door” nationwide.

More than 50 customers from children to the elderly participated in the event at Mitsui Outlet Park Marine Pia Kobe. Kitemite Matsudo store manager Sasaki also rushed to support, and customers said, "Isn't this kind of event being held in the world?"

We have received offers for events from other commercial facilities as well.

In the future, we will spread our know-how within the World Group, create opportunities for communication with customers, and expand our efforts to have many stores and brands become fans.


NEXTDOOR means "next door". Challenge and create new doors with customers

NEXTDOOR initiative, a workshop full of smiles using world resources
Left) Mr. Minamida Right) Manager Sasaki

Comment from Mr. Minamida of World Production Partners, who plans and manages workshops with store manager Sasaki

Kitemite Matsudo Next Door Manager Yuichi Sasaki

The number of participants in the eco bag held for the first time was about 5 people. However, the number of repeaters increased each time, and now the capacity is reached in about two hours from the start of reservation. Until now, communication with customers has been through sales, such as "I want my children to experience it" and "I like this community, so I participate every time." .

After more than 10 years of working with dressers, I wanted to start something new, so I changed brands and was entrusted with the Kitemite Matsudo store. In addition to the normal outlet function, I am able to create many points of contact with customers through this workshop and the sale of B-grade products, which is both fun and rewarding.


World Production Partners Co., Ltd. Procurement Department Purchasing Section Kazuko Minamida

When I saw the workspace of Kitemite Matsudo Next Door, which opened in July 2020, I thought, "I want to hold a workshop where I can communicate with customers with a smile." In anticipation of the post-corona era, we wanted to hold a workshop that reuses fabrics from our own factories, remnants from cutting, and waste paper in-house in order to lead to initiatives for the SDGs. I came up with a program that can be done by hand for 30 to 40 minutes so that people of all ages, from children to the elderly, would not get bored.

When our customers left, they smiled and said, "That was fun" and "I'll come again." First of all, I would like to increase the number of fans and connect it to activities that can be horizontally expanded.

We will continue to expand the efforts of the Kitemite Matsudo store to the next door nationwide.


■Kitemite Matsudo NEXTDOOR https://kitemite.co.jp/shops/2853/


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