We work with clients
to develop a wide range of businesses covering clothing, food, accommodation, and entertainment.

SITE POLICYSite Terms of Use

Terms of use
Our website (platform.world.co.jp, hereinafter referred to as “our website”) is operated by World Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) or its agent. Before using our website, please be sure to read the following terms and conditions, and use our website only if you agree to these terms.
About copyright
The rights to all content posted on our website belong to us or are used by us under license. Therefore, it is prohibited to use, reproduce, or transfer all the contents of our website without permission.
The rights to our website and individual trademarks, service marks, and trade names posted on our website belong to us, our affiliates, or individual right holders, or to licenses or other legitimate rights holders. It is a trademark used based on. Except as permitted by the Trademark Act and other laws, use of these items without the Company's permission is prohibited by the Trademark Act, etc., so please contact the Company in advance and obtain written permission. Please take a look.
About the links
If you wish to link to our website, please inform us of the URL of the website to be linked, the name and contact information (address, telephone number and e-mail address) of the site administrator. We will decide whether or not a link is possible depending on the content of the website and the method of linking.
We are not responsible for any troubles, losses or damages caused by the information posted on our website or the use of our website. In addition, we may change the information posted on our website, or suspend or discontinue the operation of our website without prior notice. We are not responsible for any damage caused by interruption or discontinuation of the operation of the site. Please note that we are not responsible for any problems with links or the content of other websites linked to our website.
Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction
The interpretation and application of our website and terms of use shall be governed by the laws of Japan. In addition, unless otherwise specified, the Kobe District Court or Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court of first instance for all disputes relating to our website.

DOWNLOADDocument download

This is a document that summarizes all the information about WORLD PLATFORM SERVICE in one volume.
Please have a look once.


Please feel free to contact us using the form below for work requests and consultations for WORLD PLATFORM SERVICE.
Our representative will contact you shortly.